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Did you know that your child was born musical? It’s true! Your little one can learn to dance and sing just as naturally as they learn to walk and talk.

Music Learning Supports all Learning®

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Sing, Dance, Play, Learn!



Music Together Hilversum is part of an internationally recognized early childhood music program that helps children —from babies to 5-year-olds—discover their inner music-maker by playing with the grownups they love. (That’s you!).

Meet weekly for 45 minutes of fun-filled family music time! You’ll have so much fun singing, dancing, playing, and laughing that you may not realize how much learning is taking place. Our research-based classes are offered twice a week, with a new song collection each 10-week season. Parents with no background in music can relax – our classes are specially designed to create a safe, easy going environment.

In addition to the classes, you will also get the tools and resources you need (songbooks, guides, and audio recordings) to continue the music-making at home. As you discover new ways to play with music and rhythms all week long, you’ll be supporting your child's music-learning and overall development.

Contact us today and bring the joy of music into your family’s life!

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